Elvui With Twitch Addons

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What interrupt bars are you using?

I am using my own modified WeakAura interrupt bars. 100% of the credit goes to Nnoggie who made this amazing WeakAura. To be clear, I only modified the aesthetics to fit my UI, Nnoggie is the real MVP here for the codes.

What addons are required for your UI?

You need to install ElvUI, WeakAuras and AddonSkins. AddonSkins will give you access to the font I am using for my UI ‘Accidental Presidency'.

What fonts are you using?

I am using ‘Accidental Presidency' for all my fonts. This comes installed with ElvUI. The only exception to the rule is my combat text (see next question).

Shadow & Light (ElvUI Plugin) Addons. 11,009,275 Downloads Last Updated: 1 day ago Game Version: 9.1.0. Downloading now. If it doesn't, click here. Manage your mods and addons with the CurseForge desktop app for Windows and macOS.

How do I get the same combat text?

I am not using any special addons for my Combat text. All I did was to change my combat font text to ‘Gotham Ultra Narrow'. You can do so under ElvUI, under the configuration panel, under ‘General' and ‘Media'. You can add custom fonds via this method.

How do you get your cursor as a circle?

Need help with ElvUI addon please. I've been playing with the ElvUI and recently started working on my Enhancement Shaman. But I noticed that when I am in combat, practically every skill/talent I use shows up above my character bar in a series of bars, with listing each skill or talent I use. Standalone ElvUI is not available in the Twitch application. ElvUI can only be downloaded from tukui.org or via the Tukui Client (Windows Only). Most plugins can be found in either the Twitch application or the Tukui Client. Provides the core functionality that powers all the other additional addons and plugins. Does Twitch have ElvUI?

You can import the cursor WeakAura here:

What are other addons do you use?

Nameplates: Plater
Bossmods: Bigwigs (Littlewigs for dungeons) + Bigwigs Voice
Meters: Details
Bags: AdiBags

Why is my details meter not anchored properly, after I import your ElvUI profile?

In order to anchor details meter to the bottom right; you need to ensure you have AddonSkin installed; firstly, under Elvui settings, check that ur elvui profile has Details Meter checked under Addon Skin. Next, under Embed Settings – check for 'embed into right chat'

How do I get that dark border around the WeakAuras to show?

You need to download Masque and Masque_CleanUI. Type /masque to open up the configuration panel, toggle to ‘WeakAuras', then set the skin to ‘CleanUI Thin'. Download them @ https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque and https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/buttonfacade-cleanui.

How are you marking the mobs in the dungeon?

I am using an automarker weakaura. Get it here:

Where can I get your Details Profile?

How Does your Details Icons Look So Fancy?

You can download custom class icons that you can download here. Unzip them to your WoW folder, under Interfacetextures.

Then under Details Options, Bars: General, under ‘enter path for a custom icon file', enter: InterfacetexturesClassIconsclasses


Full credit goes to r/Senpaibro for providing the class icons.

Can you share your BigWigs profile?

You can place the config file under the folder: World of WarcraftretailWTFAccountAccountnameSavedvariables

Note: where it says ‘accountname' it will specify something specific to your account (usually a string of numbers).

Then type /bigwigs in game, go to ‘Profile' and choose ‘Quazii Bigwigs'.

You MUST install BigWigs profile after closing your WoW game. Else it will not work.

Why is the Objective Frame and Quest Trackers missing?

1) Type /ec
2) Click toggle anchors
3) I hid objective frames all the way at the bottom right, drag it to normally where your quest frames are

How Do I Enable Manabars for Party Frames?

You can enable ‘Power' under ElvUI's UnitFrames for ‘Party'

What are you using to track your Mythic+ Keystone Timers?

I am using a WeakAura that is not coded by me – I merely modified it to suit the aesthetics of my UI. Download here.

I see two instances of ability cooldown texts. How can I fix this?

The current WeakAura packs are built for the Shadowlands Beta, though it works for 9.0 pre-patch. In short, there is some slight differences how WeakAura pulls the cooldown text timers.

A simple fix if you see double cooldown text on the 9.0 pre-patch:
1. Select all the abilities WeakAura (holding Shift + Left click)
2. Go into the ‘Display' tab
3. ‘Uncheck' the ‘Show Text' option, under Text 1 where it says ‘%p'.

How are you tracking your consumables on screen?

I am using a my own WeakAura package to track these consumables. Download here:

How are you tracking your Party Cooldowns?

I used to use Zentracker for that. But made the swap on 12 April 2021 to OmniCD addon – I strongly recomemnd installing this over Zentracker for purposes of tracking your party cooldown, as it is WAY more user-friendly.

If you are lazy to set up the spells you want to track for every single class, you can simply import my profile here.

I also made a video guide on how you can install and setup OmniCD. In this video I also cover why OmniCD is the superior choice versus ZenTracker to track your party cooldowns.

How are you tracking your Healer Externals, and Party AoE CCs on your UI?

I am using ZenTracker (link here) as the base. Party CDs are tracked via Nnoggie's WeakAura for Party trackers – full credit goes to him. You can download the components of my UI below:
– Track Healer Externals: link here
– Track Party AoE CCs: link here
You also need to install LibGroupInSpecT addon, which is needed to make ZenTracker work. So in total, you need to download 5 different items (4 WeakAuras, and 1 Addon) to get the same setup as I do.

How do I bind my keys, or get my Actionbars to show?

I hid them by default, as I memorize my binds. You can unhide them by: 1) Typing /ec 2) Under actionbar, click on each action bar and uncheck ‘mouseover'. They will now show persistently.

How are you tracking your Healer's Mana?

You can get my WeakAura here:

What Dungeon WeakAuras are you using?

For now, I am using this, though I intend to swap to other more established dungeon packs down the line.

What Castle Nathria WeakAuras are you using?

For now, I am using this. Full credit to its original author!

How Are You Tracking Your Co-Tank's Debuffs in Raid?

I am using this WeakAura. Full credit to its original author.

What is that countsdown when you have the Pride Debuff ?

You can import my Weakaura via this string.

What is the Combat Timer in your UI?

You can import the WeakAura here: link

How Do I Zoom Out as far as You?

You can use this command, /console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6

How are you tracking the number of Battle Res you have?

You can download the same WeakAura I have here.

How do you have transparent chat bubbles in WoW?

Use this thread on Reddit as a resource (link)

Can you track GCD on your WeakAura packages?

By default I do not. But you can if you like. Follow the 2 steps here:

1) Click on ‘Display' tab. Check the boxes for ‘Show Cooldown' AND ‘Cooldown Swipe'.
2) Then go into ‘Text' section under ‘Display' tab and disable ‘Show Text' for anything related to %p (this way you do not see doubling of cooldown tracking)
3) Go into ‘Trigger' tab. Click ‘Extra Options', then click on ‘Show Global Cooldown' (imgur link)

How do I track a new buff in your Buff Bars?

You can add a buff to be tracked. Simply right click on any buff in my package, and hit duplicate. Then, go under ‘Trigger' tab, and change the ‘Spell ID' to the ID of your buff you want to track. You can mouseover the buff to get the Spell ID.

Alternatively, check the box for ‘Name(s)' and type the name of the buff.

How do I make my ElvUI Actionbars change when I change to a different Druid form?

In the action bars section, go to player bars. Any player bars you want to switch with form go to action paging and paste: [bonusbar:1,nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1,stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;
Press accept, and you are done.

How do I NOT use Abbreviated Plater names that only show the last name of mobs?

Type /plater. Then go to ‘Modding'. Uncheck ‘Abbreviated Names' as a mod.

How do I renable Boss Unitframes?

Type /ec, go to Unitframes. Click on Group Units -> Boss -> Check ‘Enable'

How to track duration of Treants or Cardboard Assassins

You can use my combined WeakAura tracker for Treants and Cardboard Assassins. Omerta english patch. Link here.

How are you tracking your party's cooldowns on their Cardboard Assassins?

Twitch App

You can use a WeakAura from Ellesmere here.

How are you Autosolving the maze in Mists of Tirna Scithe?

Elvui With Twitch Addons 2019

I made a video here to explain how it works. Here's the translated version of the WeakAura. Full credit goes to ‘Eleven' the original Chinese coder, who made this available at the start of Shadowlands (Nov 2020).

What's the WeakAura you are using to track Treants?

Here you go, it also tracks cardboard assassins – https://wago.io/8XDwhB6mH

A better UI

ElvUI is an add-on for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft which changes the base interface into one that is easier and quicker to use.

Requires base game

ElvUI prioritizes user-friendliness by adapting the default interface of WoW with features not included originally.

ElvUI is an interface add-on available for the popular game World of Warcraft and enhances the base user-interface that can be found when playing. The software adds new features and options that are not found unless this UI is installed by placing the files in your WoW Add-on folder. Due to this, it cannot be downloaded through Twitch.

ElvUI requires more resources than it's alternative Tukui, which can slow down your computer if your system does not meet sufficient requirements.

However, with this add-on you have access to more options than Tukui. These new features will allow you to adapt almost any part of the interface to your specifications. Many extra features can be enabled by downloading other add-ons for classic Warcraft.

The add-on uses new features to enhance the interface experience as you play the classic MMORPG. However, the main goal of the add-on is to improve the user-friendliness of the menus and displays that are on your screen.

Where can you run this program?

ElvUI is available for Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Is there a better alternative?

No. There are many alternative add-ons such as Tukui, but ElvUI focuses on creating menus and displays that are easy to navigate with features not included in the standard game.

Our take

ElvUI is a great add-on for WoW that changes the user interface that's designed with user-friendliness in mind.

Should you download it?

Yes. If you play World of Warcraft and want a new interface then this add-on is a great choice.

Elvuifor Windows


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